
Israeli police hope facial recognition can be used more widely
Israeli government officials are studying the liberalization of restrictions on the use of face recognition technology by their police agencies to track known or unknown people, as well as its border with the Palestinian state. Human rights concern is chilling at the coming legislation.
The public knows little about the possible implementation of this bill in the future, but the little-known information demonstrated that the promotion of this bill is confusing and does not match the trend of privacy protection of the public. This scheme may improve the efficiency of social management and give the police as much freedom as possible to use facial recognition.
The bill is of great help to the actions of law enforcement agencies, or may be supported by law enforcement agencies.
The main purpose of the legislation seems to be that police will match face images captured on the Internet with face recognition databases of law enforcement agencies, according to an article in the newspaper. In fact, in other countries or regions, the police have often used the network without authorization to match the face with the national database.
The police will use new technology to prevent crime, which is commendable, supervise the implementation of the case, record the process of the case, etc. The new technology is not only applied to a certain part of the event, but also used in the whole process, and may even be different combinations of different tasks, similar to the task combinations performed by the police when using the national face database.
Protection of legislation seems to be in the works《 “The information collected in the special camera system will be used in a non harmful manner, as long as it meets the needs of personal privacy,” the Haaretz cited the bill as saying.
But it is reported that the bill will not restrict the storage and use of data. Just as the corresponding face recognition laws in other countries can be implemented effectively, this may not play an effective role in the end. Therefore, if it is to be effectively regulated, any such measures must be supplemented by the applicable government ministers and sanctioned by the Israeli parliament or the National Legislative Council.
The data collected is not only used for social security, but also can be shared with other security and military agencies, including internal security departments or military intelligence agencies. It is unclear whether the privacy and human rights policies used by law enforcement will be encoded with shared data. Therefore, for those who favor the bill, it is a “void check” and the police have too little supervision or accountability.
Among the important countries in the world, the European Union pays more attention to personal privacy than the United States. The United States does not provide clear guidelines for national or even state face recognition monitoring rules system. In China, however, it seems impossible to insert enough internal investment and resources in AI monitoring.
It is too early to say which of the United States, the European Union or China will be the most responsive to Israel’s actions.
According to the Jerusalem Post, Israel’s population, immigration and border control authority has upgraded an image database that is considered too low in quality for face recognition and matching, and created a new government database from it. Now it can be used for face recognition because of the progress of technology.
However, the database does not meet the legal standards of the national face recognition database, and government agencies are seeking legal amendments to continue to use the database legally. A report by the Commissioner for biometric applications pointed out a number of problems in the operation of the population administration and the national biometric database authority, which operates a parallel database.
The Commissioner criticized the national biometric database authority for its delay in handing over the documents. In response, the database authority said: in the implementation of arduous tasks, opaque supervision makes its work more difficult. The Commissioner and the database authority also disagree with what the former said about the delay in calibration and the failure to provide the required written work plan.

Post time: Jul-14-2021